Friday, November 14, 2008

The Ocean, its been a while since I've seen

Back on the road after an awesome stint at "Mama's" house (Shirley).  Rolling the windows down near Savannah, Georgia was pretty cool in itself; the warmth, humidity, and ocean air I expect down in Florida.

Before promoting the show and stopping at the hotel I sent us straight to Typee Island so we could walk the beach before the sun went down.  You can never really get tired of the Ocean.  An added bonus, I saw JB's legs when he rolled up the pants...he never wears shorts, so the legs are rare.  

Our hotel, maybe a 1 star...haha, The Thunderbird Inn was a classy joint settled in the ghetto.  But hey, we gotta go cheap.  Wild Wing Cafe is a cool place with good food and a music venue upstairs.  The Jets/Patriots game was on and most were cheering for Favre, making me wish I had my Jets Favre jersey.

-ranked highest so far by JB, 9/10
-the crowd was awesome and perfectly rowdy
-Pete, our new Savannah friend, went around and collected tips for us...THANKS PETE