Tuesday, November 11, 2008
J-Bah #2
Sooooo...bloggin again. drinkin a Mikes Hard Cranberry Lemonade...I wish it was miller lite, i really like Miller lite (contact www.sharpandharkins.com for sponsorship)...however, tonight me and Fat Todd made up. I bought him a crystal vase to make up for my offensive behavior at Brackins....I dont think he realized that was from Triffanies cuz he broke 5 mins later, and thats okay...I mean twelve grand down the drain on College Ave outside of Eddies Attic...thats fine as long as me and Andy are cool....also I have a full grown beard, I pretty much look like ZZ Top and feel good about it. I saw the Smokey Mountains, and they definitely made me want to smoke! see ya.
-JB (from Andy's account)